I was told that the title of this series of blogs (random bits of sweetness) implied in some way that I would either be blogging about desserts and candy or that my discussions would not be rants , tyriads, or complaining about things.
With that in mind I took some time off to contemplate desserts and candy, cause there is no way I am not going to voice my opinion... LOL.
Today, as I was driving back and forth to the store I came up with a compromise.
Members of the Baltimore City Council recently banded together to agree to not back the Mayor's proposed "bottle tax".
First, these are a group of people who couldn't band together to order lunch. Second, they are bowing to pressure orchestrated by soft drink companies and grocery stores.
4 cents. 4 cents on every 24 ounce soda or juice that you buy.
Money is tight in my house. Not as tight as some, but tight none the less. When I hear people in similar situations as me complaining about 4 cents, I get irritated.
4 cents is not a lot.
That is unless you start talking about a big city like Balitmore and how many bottles of soda and juice are purchased by the large number of people who either live in or work in the city.
What can you get for 4 cents?
How about some police officers and fireman. Public Safety. I am willing to pay an extra 4 cents for by Mountain Dew.
Those who aren't sould watch an episode or two of the Wire... and then turn on the news for the similarities.
What about keeping some recreation centers and libraries open? Wonder what kids do when they don't have recreation centers and libraries to go to? Again, turn on the Wire... then the news... then look at the four pennies you saved on your soda.
I am willing to look at the other side of things. Asking me to pay more taxes is just plain mean of government. Isn't this why we threw some perfectly good tea in the ocean????
So here is my alternative. We should all pay for our own security services. No police. No fire department. Every man for himself. And watch your own kids. Educate and watch your own kids. Buy your own books. If you are poor... don't read. Find your own way to dispose of your trash. And you need to pay to go into the park because it is now privately owned.
That way you can keep your 4 cents!
valid points but keep in mind some of those places were closed to "save the city money" the recs didnt close because people werent using them. naturally you take away what the kids had to do they weill get involved in less that favorable situations but that doesnt mean the government should be allowed to take something away and then raise taxes to help bring it back. how about if im able to see where my 4 cents is going and see that it is going to more than corrupt politicians, repairing the city to cater to a certain social class, or making paying to keep the purple lights on in ravens stadium when they make it to the playoffs. start the programs you need my tax money to help fund first and then i will feel better about giving up the extra money... though i did like your concluding statement