One true love????
more than one???
Is that perfect person out there?
Is there only one yen to your yang?
Do you believe in soulmates????
Is the perfect person for you out there? Or is that perfect person created from a person with possibilities? What I mean to say is does that perfect person come that way or are they created with time and love? You know like getting cake mix but adding fudge, or strawberry syrup or chocolate chips to make it just right.
And... is it possible to have met more than one perfect person for you? Could you have more than one soulmate?
well im sure its different for everyone but i think you can have more than one soulmate. to me a soulmate isnt just limited to a person who is going to be your lover for the rest of your life. your soulmates could be your friends, certain family, a lover, or a combination.