Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Last chance at your legacy

What is your legacy so far?

Often times we think about our legacy in terms of what we are going to do in the future.  We make plans to do great things.

Here is an idea... stop making plans and just get out there and do great things.

If God pulled your card right now... what would your legacy be?  How have you spread the love God blessed you with?  No matter what religion you are (or aren't)... how have you shared blessings?

If we just look at everyday as our last opportunity to leave our legacy... wouldn't the world be a much sweeter place????


  1. My legacy would be the positive encouragement I given to everyone especially my family, respect of cultural differences and individual preferences and the knowledge and experiences I shared.

    If we look beyond ourself and be a positive influence to everyone we meet... Well, it's a start.

  2. my legacy? it would have to be the fact that i found out what my purpose is. i motivate and encourage everyone to be the best they can be. not only do i encourage them to be this i guide them and support them along the way. i donate my time to those less fortunate even if its just talking to someone who needs counseling or buying meals for people who cannot afford them. the last thing was the love i shared for people even strangers. i care enough to notice when people i dont know are having a bad day and i like to generate smiles or hug people when they seem like they need it just to make everyone i come in contact with feel better.
